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Winter Assistance
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federally funded program, assists low-income homeowners and renters to meet the cost of home heating by providing a one-time payment to the heating utility. This program is not designed to pay your total winter heating cost.
Applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis November 1 - April 30 of each year. Households with a member 60 years of age or older, those who are disabled, and those in crisis can begin applying October 1st. Applicants may apply at their local community action center Monday through Friday or at times posted at the local center's office.
Community Action Centers
Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc.
Serving Cherokee County
Cherokee .......... 800-859-2025 or 712-225-3322
Ida Grove ......... 800-859-2025 or 712-364-2175
LeMars ............. 800-859-2025 or 712-546-6603
New Opportunities, Inc.
Serving Sac County
Sac City ........... 712-662-3236
North Iowa Community Action Center
Serving Kossuth County
Algona ............ 800-873-1899 or 515-295-2531
Minnesota Valley Action Council
Western Community Action Program
Serving Jackson County
Jackson .......... 800-658-2480 or 507-847-2632
Upper Des Moines Opportunity
Serving Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, O'Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto and Pocahontas Counties
Emmetsburg ....... 712-852-3482
Estherville .......... 712-362-2391
Pocahontas ........ 712-335-3335
Primghar ............ 712-957-1023
Sibley ................ 712-754-2573
Spencer ............. 712-262-7409
Spirit Lake .......... 712-336-1112
Storm Lake ......... 712-732-1757
Serving Martin County
800-767-7139 or 507-345-6822
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