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Iowa Lakes Electric Members Charitable Foundation 
Operation Round Up
GRANT Guidelines


Funds for Operation Round Up are voluntarily donated by Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative member-owners and its employees. Operation Round Up contributions will be used primarily in the local area served by the Cooperative for Charitable and educational purposes. 




  1. Contributions will generally be made to non-profit, civic or community-based organizations that demonstrate a commitment to enhance the quality of life in the region.

  2. Projects should fit in one or more of the following categories: Community Service, Economic Development, Education and/or Youth, Environment, Disaster Relief.

  3. Applications must be submitted on Official Iowa Lakes Electric Members-Charitable Foundation Application forms. 




  1. Contributions will generally be made to non-profit organizations that have been granted tax-exempt status under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). 

  2. Contributions will generally not be made for:

    1. Lobbying, political and religious organizations or highly sensitive/controversial events. ​

    2. Fraternal and labor organizations.

    3. Fundraising dinners, raffles and other events.

    4. Individuals.

    5. Capital fund campaigns. 

    6. National fund drives.

    7. Advertising.

    8. Ongoing operational expenses.

    9. Grants will not normally exceed $10,000 for any one group, organization or charity.


Evaluation Factors


  1. ​The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of all funding requests:

    1. Potential benefit to area residents and the entire community.​

    2. Level of community support for the program or project.

    3. Administrative capability of the organization to deliver quality service program. 

    4. Results that are predictable and can be evaluated.


Requirements/Checklist (Applications not meeting all of these requirements will not be considered).


  • Completed application form.

  • Completed budget form showing how requested funds will be spent (including bids, quotes, pricing, etc.)

  • Copy of 501c (3) or non-profit status letter (letter of determination from the IRS).

  • Copy of IRS 990 (pages 1 and 2 only) for the previous year must be provided.

  • Please Provide three letters of recommendation or support.

To apply for Operation Round Up grant funds, please complete the electronic application on this page below. A printable application is also available by clicking on the orange button. You will be required to complete the Proposed Budget Form (green button) and include with your application.

Electronic Operation Round Up Application

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By signing my name in the signature box below, I understand that the information contained in this statement is for the purpose of obtaining funding from the Iowa Lakes Electric Members Charitable Foundation on behalf of the undersigned. I understand that the information provided herein is used in the decision to grant funding, and by signing I understand this represents and warrants that the information provided is true and correct until a written notice of change is provided. The Iowa Lakes Electric Members Charitable Foundation is authorized to make all inquiries deemed necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made herein. As a condition of receiving and accepting these grant funds, the undersigned agrees that all funds will be used for the project approved and as stated on the application. Any funds not used shall be returned to the Iowa Lakes Members Charitable Foundation and as a grant from the Iowa Lakes Electric Members Charitable Foundation, this project should be completed and funds utilized within one year of this notification. I agree to the terms stated above. 

Thanks for submitting!

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