Apply for Iowa Youth Tour and go to Washington DC!
Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative invites area high school juniors to apply for the annual Youth to Washington Tour.
On the tour, students learn about electric cooperatives, American history and U.S. government and walk away with a greater understanding of their role as an American citizen.
The trip is a great opportunity for young adults:
Join 1,800 other students from across the country.
Meet Iowa's members of Congress.
Tour historic sights.
Take a boat cruise on the Potomac River.
Visit Smithsonian museums.
Make new friends.
Learn more about electric cooperatives.
Sharpen their leadership skills.
Rules and Regulations:
To be eligible for the Rural Electric Youth Tour to Washington, applicants must be a junior in high school and reside within the footprint of Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative's service territory.
Judging and selection of applicants is the responsibility of Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative.
If you have any questions or would like to request an application, please contact Bobbi Jo at 800.225.4532.