Budget Billing
Program Details
Iowa's unpredictable weather can cause member-owner's energy consumption to fluctuate on a monthly basis. Budget Billing allows you to pay a set amount on your electric account each month, giving you the opportunity to budget for the year.
The Budget Billing program is based on the previous year's average kilowatt usage and will be reevaluated every six months. In the event the monthly budget amount is adjusted, members will receive notice of their new Budget Billing amount on their June and December billing statements.
You may request termination of the Budget Billing program at any time. At the time of termination, any balance on your electric account(s) will be due in full or any credit on your electric account(s) may be refunded or applied to future charges.
Payment of the monthly budget amount is required by the due date on your monthly billing statement. Failure to pay the budget amount may result in penalties, termination of service and/or removal from the Budget Billing program.